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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Being Four

Being four means learning boundaries. It means talking back to mom and dad. It means thinking you know everything. It means learning confidence, even if it gets you in trouble most of the time.

I sometimes tease my husband that B is filled with all of our worst qualities:

  • Stubborn as a mule (his side)
  • Impatient and short-tempered (me)
  • Doesn't listen well (him)
  • Night owl and grumpy in the morning (me)
  • Hates school (me again)
Be he's also:
  • Empathetic and kind (dad)
  • Loves to cuddle (dad)
  • Creative (mom and dad)
  • Loves music (mom and dad)
  • laughs and enjoys life
  • shops well
  • travels wonderfully
I believe a lot of his attributes towards the end can be credited towards me and K having a more relaxed parenting style since he was an infant. We try really hard to let him experience life and learn and grow as he does without being too overbearing. 

I'm blessed to have this little boy. As much as he wears me out and has endless energy, he really is such a good boy. As he now embarks on the new adventures of school, I can't help wondering what the future holds for us. I'm not sure what road I take from here. For four years he's been my buddy, my sidekick. I'm kind of afraid to be on my own again. I know that, no matter what, God will help reveal that path. As He as lead me every step of the way thus far. 

Patience is a virtue, but it's hard to remember this sometimes. I'm going to be sad as nugget begins full-time school. It's hard to watch them grow up and away from you, but it's also one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever known.

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