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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

You can't be tall *and* fat. Just one or the other.

My husband recently took a trip to the states and while there I sent him to my beloved and highly missed Target. I sent him there with a list, including pictures and brands of what I wanted him to get for myself and our son to replace some clothes in the house.

Not to my surprise he didn't come back with what I asked for, but really, it's not his fault.

I asked for yoga pants because Target sells them in longs. I prefer yoga pants for a variety of reasons and like most women the number one reason being that they're comfortable. As I just finished explaining to my husband, yoga pants form to my body. I am shapely, but I am tall. I fit right between the Plus Size and Regular categories of clothes. Most plus sized clothes are too short on me because they're made to be wider, not longer. Most regular clothes are too tight.

Therefore, buying clothes sucks. In retrospect, this works to my advantage because I really like clothes and shoes. I have big feet and a curvy body and therefore nothing comes easily in those things. Basically, if I was skinny I'd be broke.

So my husband, noticing that I am not wearing the pants he bought me tries to understand this explanation. Finally, I put the sweat pants on. They should be the right size, but they're not longs and they're not stretchy like yoga pants. When I put them on he got really quiet with that typical husband face of "suddenly everything she was just saying makes perfect sense."

It's just unfortunate that the fashion industry, while seemingly "trying" to adapt to the culture that every body is beautiful, still doesn't make clothes for everyone. I've even seen articles talking about how most clothes are even made to look good on the hanger, not on your body.

The problem for me is that I am tall, and I'm "fat". No, I don't have a poor outlook on my body, I'm just overweight. I can admit it and live with that. I just want a pair of jeans that I don't scream and rip off the second I walk through the door of my house in exchange for house pants. Am I really asking so much?


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